This item is non-returnable as it comes under the consumable category.
But if the consumer receives a damaged, defective, or different/wrong item being delivered to you, we may provide a full refund or free replacement as applicable. We may contact you to discover the damage or defect in the product earlier to give a refund/replacement.
General Returns Policy
Consumable Products can be replaced only if the packaging is physically damaged or leaked or different from their description on the product detail page on
The return may be processed only if:
The product wasn’t damaged while in the consumer’s possession;
If the product does not match the item bought from the website;
Products is “non-returnable” as mentioned on the product detail page cannot be returned.
If the replacement request is placed if we do not have the exact same product in stock, a coupon matching the exact price & shipping charges will be sent via mail or any other means of communication
Return window will be based on the company’s decision as per the region of the buyer
Note: If a consumer receives a non-returnable product in a damaged/defective condition, he/she has to contact within 3 days or else return period will collapse